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Because my momma said so...

Writer: Mbali KaShongwe GcabasheMbali KaShongwe Gcabashe

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Q. What's the easier thing about being in love?

A. 1. Having someone to share and navigate this maze called life with. The world can be a lonely place, it helps having someone you can feel at home with on days when it all feels too much. It’s also like having a buddy on permanent standby that becomes the one to share the funny moments with. With the right person love makes life exciting.

Q. Is dating good?

A.2. Dating is awesome! It’s like window shopping for humans! You get to see what works for you and what doesn’t before committing.

Q. How do you know if someone loves you or is infatuated by you?

A3. It’s not easy to tell, but most of the times you’d know if sex were to be completely off the table, would the person stick around?

Do they find challenges that you come with a burden or a part of life they must learn to navigate?

Do they value your opinion or just how you look on their arm?

Q. I'm in varsity and I want to date but I'm not allowed, what should I do?

A4. Not allowed by WHO? Dating is something you choose to do or don’t do for yourself as an adult or young person of age. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

Before you make a decision just make sure that YOU are ready for the challenges it comes with and if you’re open to that part of life go for it, be responsible and accountable to yourself about it. Don’t be pressured into anything YOU aren’t ready for, the same way you mustn’t deprive yourself of life’s experiences for someone else’s projected fear that YOU don’t care about your own life as much as they do. Parents do err sometimes and one of the biggest mistakes parents make is thinking we own children and that children are born irresponsible and we must direct every part of their lives.

In my parenting I decided to let my kids know that this is their life and I am a consultant on call, but they’re a 100% responsible for the consequences that come with their choices. So whatever they choose it must always be what they’re primarily happy with and proud of for themselves first and we as parents are secondary. So if you allow yourself and are ready for that responsibility go for it honey!

Q. How do I avoid heartbreak?

A 5. You don’t! It’s a big part of life. Heartbreak is everywhere, here to strengthen us and connect us with the deeper part of our souls, humble us, teach us empathy, forgiveness and acceptance.

The only way you can avoid it is being dead. If you still live and breathe it will always be a possibility because in life with the best of intentions sometimes the best people in our lives do hurt us, and we also sometimes expose ourselves to the hurt especially when we use the heart more than the brain, something even the smartest people have done.

Enjoy life and deal with its challenges as they come, you are equipped with all you need to deal even with the heartbreaks!

Create a safe landing for yourself well in advance, that is a tribe that will help you cope when you need it, whe there it’s your friends who will throw you a pity part and help you cuss the stuff out of the person who hurt you, or the ones who’ll help you stalk him until you’re over it, or the ones who’ll tell you the stone cold truth you don’t want but need to hear, just make sure you keep around the right kind of people, they’ll help you deal and they’ll give you assurance that even when it ends in tears someone will be there to help you pick the pieces up, and try again!

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